Федеральное государственное бюджетное научное учреждение
Уфимский федеральный исследовательский центр Российской академии наук


Meeting of young environmentalists and foresters in the South Ural Botanical Garden-Institute UFIC RAS

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February 20 in the South Ural Botanical Garden-Institute was a big city rally-competition of young ecologists and foresters. About 50 pupils of 7-10 grades involved in research activities in the ecological and biological centers of Ufa, Rostok, Sodruzhestvo, Tabigat, Parus, Edelweiss, LiderEko, Ecolog, took part in the competition. The experts were specialists of SUBSI, BSU, BSPU.

Director of YuUBI UFIC RAS Z.H. Shigapov made a welcoming speech and spoke about the activities of the institute in the field of the study and preservation of biodiversity in Russia, about the unique collections of living plants of the Botanical Garden. He encouraged students to maintain their interest in fascinating research work and expressed hope to see the best of them among students of biological universities, and in the future, SUBSI staff.

The competition was held in the areas of botany, hydrobiology, soil science, ornithology, entomology. Participants competed with great enthusiasm, showed good knowledge. Experts have chosen the best in each direction.

The winners will defend the honor of the city of Ufa at the republican stage of the competition. At the end of the competition, all participants were invited to a sightseeing tour of the stock greenhouse of the Botanical Garden with an extensive collection of tropical and subtropical plants from all over the world.

Press service of SUBS UBIC RAS

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